FUUAST IR Department Official Visit Maritime security HQ

شعبہ بین الاقوامی تعلقات، وفاقی اردو یونیورسٹی کے وفد نے صدر شعبہ ڈاکٹر اصغر علی دشتی کے ہمراہ میری ٹائم سیکیورٹی ایجنسی (PMSA) کی دعوت پر ہیڈ کوارٹر کا دورہ کیا۔ وفد میں شعبہ ہٰذا کے اساتذہ ڈاکٹر ممنون احمد خان، ڈاکٹر فیصل جاوید، ڈاکٹر وسیم الدین اور افشاں بروہی شامل تھیں۔ ہیڈ کوارٹر دورہ کے دوران وفد کو پاکستان میری ٹائم سیکیورٹی کے کردار، افعال و وظائف پر ڈپٹی ڈائریکٹر جنرل کمانڈر فیصل صادق نے بریفنگ دی۔ انہوں ...

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IT Department Live Technical Help and Support

Dear All,
Technical Support for: Email, Websites, Presentation, Connectivity, Login, Password, WhatsApp, LMS, Zoom, BigBlueButton, Google Meeting, YouTube, Uploading, Recording and Drive Share etc….
Process/Procedure Support for:  
Class timing, Timetable, Duration of the class, Material, Attendance and Video etc….
Director I.T (Dr. Kamran Ahsan) and Technical Support Team will be available at the following link from Monday to Thursday between 10:00hrs to 14:00hrs:
Faculty and staff can also contact us during, before, or just after the class for live assistance. 
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Contractual Lecturers are required in Department of Computer Science & IT

Faculty Job Opening

Department of Computer Science and I.T.

Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences and Technology

Contractual Lecturers are required in Department of Computer Science & IT 

The Department of Computer Science invites applications for faculty positions of contractual lecturer for  semester 2020 Evening. Candidates are required to full-fill the HEC faculty appointment criteria which can be found at HEC-Criteria. The Department of Computer Science is committed to hire outstanding teachers to support the ...

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