History and Background of the Journal:

The name “Karoonjhar” has been taken from a historical famous mountain “Karoonjhar” located in south-eastern edge of the Tharparkar district in Sindh, Pakistan. The range is approximately 19 kilometers long and reaches a height of 305 meters. Karoonjhar has been mentioned in many verses of Sindhi and Gujarati poets. Myths and lores of Sadwant & Sharangha, Hothlal Pari (nature’s fairy), Odho Jam (Sindhi lore) and Bherio Garori (wolf’s ing) are regarded to this range. In old times, Karoonjhar was also famously known as “Kinro”. The mountain range has several places of historical importance, like Bhodeser Talao, Alakh Wao (hidden well), Anchlechure, Sardaro, Gao Mukhi, Punraj Gadr, Nani, Chandan gadr, Bhaun jo bheesro, Jharno and Bhaunro. In the past, many individuals were exiled to the Karoonjhar by monarchs of nearby states.

About the Journal:

Karoonjhar is a research journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences published by
Department of Sindhi, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science & Technology, Abdul Haq Campus, Karachi, Pakistan. It is biannual (June and December), open access and peer-reviewed journal. It is a HEC recognized journal since 2009. The journal covers the various topic of languages, history & different subjects of Social Sciences in general.

Aims & Objectives:

The aims of Karoonjhar Research Journal are to acknowledge high-quality theoretical original research papers, review papers, literature reviews, case studies, book reviews, conceptual framework, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students from all over the world. The Karoonjhar research journal provides a platform for the researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high-quality papers.


Karoonjhar Research Journal has a unique scope in linguistic research based on data drawn from the Sindhi language and a broad theoretical as well as methodological scope. It publishes to promote the research in Sindhi Language and mainly focuses on Language, Literature, criticism, history, Music, Culture, Poetry, and Prose.

Research Ethics Policy:

The Advisory board expects that the reviewers and editorial team handle the contribution of authors as per the policy of confidentiality. The board ensures that the research is conducted in a fair and ethical manner. If any submitted manuscript includes fabricated data, falsification prior to publication will be rejected. The journal will refuse
papers submitted by the author if he/she fails to satisfy the journal. The Research
involving human’s right must be approved by a relevant body and it must confirm to international ethical and legal practice such as racism, favoritism, religious, politicism. Authors are expected to respect the right of people to privacy. Journal will not publish false statements that can harm the reputation, of individuals and organizations. In case, authors make an error, the journal may rectify and issue a corrigendum. Executive board maintains the principles of research integrity and ethics and standards.

Peer Review Policy:

As per requirements of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC), Karoonjhar Research Journal accepts only those research articles which have gone through the two blind review process.

Plagiarism Policy:

The manuscript must be checked through ‘Turnitin’ software. According to the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) policy, the similarity index of each research paper must not exceed the limit of <=19%.

Privacy Statement:

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any
other party.

Abstracting and Indexing Detail:

Karoonjhar Research Journal is abstract and indexed on Research in Pakistani Languages & Literature (IRPLL) (irpll.aiou.edu.pk.

Principal Contact:

Dr. Inayat Hussain Laghari,

Editor-in-Chief, Karoonjhar Research Journal,

Department of Sindhi, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences & Technology, Abdul Haq Campus, Near Civil Hospital, Karachi

Cell Phone: 0301-3852943; 0331-2508394

[email protected]

[email protected],


Review Process:

All manuscripts are reviewed by an editor and member of the editorial board or qualified outside reviewers. The decision will be made as rapidly as possible, and the journal strives to return the reviewer’s comments to authors within two weeks.


The papers must be typed for Sindhi (in MB Lateefi font, size 13), Urdu (in Noori Nastaleeq font, size 14), and English (in Times New Roman font, Size 12) with double-spaced on A-4 size paper. The title should be a brief phrase describing the contents of the paper. All manuscripts to be sent in hard copy along with the text in CD to the mailing address of the Department of Sindhi and also through email to [email protected], [email protected].



The abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, briefly present the topic and state the scope of work. The abstract should be 100 to 200 words in length.


Tables and Figures:

Tables should be kept to a minimum and be designed to be as simple as possible. Figure legends should be typed in numerical order on a separate sheet. Graphics should be prepared using applications capable of generating high resolution GIF, TIFF, JPEG, or Power
Point Pared in Microsoft Word manuscripts file. Tables should be prepared in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher.


The acknowledgment of people, grants, funds etc should be brief.


Reference: In the text, a reference identified by means of an author’s name should be followed by the year of the reference in parentheses. Patterns are as following:


خواجه، نور افروز، ڊاڪٽر، ”ورهاڱي کان پوءِ سنڌي ناول جي اوسر“، شيخ شوڪت علي اينڊ سنز ڪراچي، 2010ع، ص: 404


سيد، مظھر جميل، “جديد سندهی ادب، (ميلانات. رجحانات. امکانات)”، اکادمی بازيافت، (دوسری اشاعت)، 2007ع، ص: 686


Deuze, M., “Professional identity and ideology of journalists Reconsidered”, Journalism, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2005, Page No. 422-464.

You can follow the given other patterns in this journal also.



All the statements of fact and opinion expressed in this journal are the sole responsibility of the authors, and do not imply and endorsement on part or whole in any form/shape whatsoever by the editors or publishers.





Dr. Inayat Hussain Laghari


Dr. Seema Abro

Managing Editor:

Dr. Abida Parveen Ghanghro





Vice Chancellor, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences & Technology


Dean, Faculty of  Arts, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences & Technology, Abdul Haq Campus, Karachi


Advisory / Editorial Board Members (International):

  • Dr. Baldev Matlani
  • Dr. Roshan Golani
  • Dr. Jagdesh lachani
  • Dr. Manohar Lal Matlani
  • Dr. Vandana Ashok

Advisory / Editorial Board Members (National):

  • Prof. Dr. Inayat Hussain Laghari
  • Prof. Dr. Nawaz Ali Shoaq
  • Prof. Dr.Muhammad Ali Manjhi
  • Prof. Dr. Noor Afroz Khuwaja
  • Prof. Dr. Kursheed Abbasi



  • Dr. Abdul Kareem (Adal Soomro)
  • Dr. Anwar Figar Hakro
  • Dr. Muhammad Abid Shah (Abid Mazhar)
  • Dr. Rushdullah Shah (Makhmoor Bukhari )
  • Dr. Manzoor Ali Veesario
  • Dr. Sher Muhammad (Sher Mehrani)
  • Dr. Raheem Bux Mahar (Mahar Khadim)
  • Dr. Hakim Ali Buriro

Download Publication

  1. KAROONJHAR Vol 28 Dec 2024

  2. KAROONJHAR Vol 27 Jun 2023

  3. KAROONJHAR Vol 26 Dec 2022

  4. KAROONJHAR Vol 25 Jun 2022

  5. KAROONJHAR Vol 24 June 2021

  6. KAROONJHAR Vol 23 December 2020

  7. KAROONJHAR Vol 22 June 2020

  8. KAROONJHAR Vol 21 December-2019

  9. KAROONJHAR Vol 20 June-2019

  10. KAROONJHAR Vol 19 December-2018

  11. KAROONJHAR Vol 18 June-2018

  12. KAROONJHAR Vol 17 December-2017

  13. KAROONJHAR – Vol 16 – June 2017

  14. KAROONJHAR – Vol 15 – December 2016

  15. KAROONJHAR – Vol 14 – June 2016

  16. KAROONJHAR – Vol 13 – Dec 2015

  17. KAROONJHAR – Vol 11 – Dec 2014

  18. KAROONJHAR – Vol 10 – June 2014